Thursday, July 23, 2015

2nd News Article Discussion

An illustration by artist Chuang Zhao of the Zhenyuanlong, a newly-discovered large, short-armed, winged dinosaur.

My article is about " China discovers wings, feathered 'dragon' dinosaur. Around 125 million years ago, a mule-sized dinosaur with a long tail and short, resplendently-feathered wings roamed a corner of what is now northeastern China. Researchers revealed the discovery of Zhenyuanlong suni. they said that this is the first time that thay have wings found on a dinosaur this big with short arms. 

The fossil not only shows the complete skeleton of the animal, as well as its skull displayed in profile.  Clearly visible around the creature's short arms are a pattern of long feathers, which also appear to have decorated the dinosaur's tail.

Panoi's article is about China's guard of president resign his work and being farmer in the countryside. 

Peer Reviewed Biased Story

Bias note on One Piece Anime

I wrote a story about how One Piece is the best anime. 

1. Bias by Labeling: I used adjectives which makes One Piece is the best, such as: the most popular, attractive, strong, smart, more interested. 

2. Bias by Spin: I mentioned that One Piece is not the one that popular, Naruto is popular too. When we keep watching Naruto in many part, it feel like boring and characters look over power that make many audience stop watching until it end. I want to tell that Naruto is good but can't keep the audience continue watching it.

3. Bias by Selection of Sources: I demonstrate the quote from Guinness World Record for the most copies published for the same comic book series by one author. The number of copies about 320,866,000 units. I showed that how a lot of number of copies.

Monday, May 18, 2015